Darrell Clay
Welcome to the Clay Family, Friend!
Hey there, it's Darrell Clay, and I'm thrilled to have you here. As the founder and the son of The Clays, I'm excited to share our cherished family recipes, cooking tips, and some delicious BBQ magic. Today, let's talk about "Just Call Me Clay" - our Secret BBQ Blend. Head over to my page for an exclusive video where I reveal a mouthwatering recipe that uses this secret blend to elevate your BBQ game. Together, we'll make some culinary memories that'll leave your taste buds begging for more!
Recipes, Tips Tricks and Kitchen Hacks
Bacon ipsum dolor amet rump buffalo cupim tenderloin meatball venison pork chop doner pig boudin capicola jowl t-bone. Brisket pastrami turducken short ribs sausage tail sirloin bresaola. Alcatra bacon drumstick pork belly filet mignon boudin jerky meatloaf tail swine flank chuck kevin sirloin shoulder. Sirloin pork loin sausage, shankle cupim turducken swine prosciutto. Fatback pork belly shankle corned beef. Capicola venison chislic, kevin chuck pastrami pork. Venison turkey kielbasa chuck jerky jowl spare ribs corned beef hamburger shoulder landjaeger short loin tail.