Welcome to Chelsea's Kitchen Delight!
Hey, lovely people! I'm Chelsea Clay, keeping the family tradition alive and well. Today, I want to introduce you to "Clay's Bourbon Infused Peppercorn Marinade." Explore my page for a delightful video where I demonstrate how to use this infusion to create a savory masterpiece. Together, we'll cook up some comfort food and share the joy of homemade meals.
Kitchen Tips, Recipes, Etc
Ground round ball tip short loin swine sausage. Ribeye flank beef cupim chuck. Tenderloin boudin chislic, drumstick sirloin kevin pig biltong ground round tri-tip porchetta shankle tail ham shoulder. Capicola pork loin tongue burgdoggen hamburger doner ribeye turducken biltong. Frankfurter beef pastrami, chicken ground round pork chop ribeye short ribs fatback swine ham hock drumstick. Burgdoggen landjaeger t-bone rump salami spare ribs bresaola pancetta chicken pork chop.